Draugr that begin appearing early in the game are equipped with ancient Nordic weapons, which are similar in strength to steel weaponry, and ancient Nord armor, similar in quality to iron armor, which is unlootable. In addition, draugr may be spellcasters, archers, one-handed melee fighters, or two-handed melee fighters this is unspecified by their names, which only indicate their class. However, this also depends on the location at which they're encountered. The specific variety of draugr that you meet is generally level-dependent. However, the Hallowed Dead found in Labyrinthian are not immune to poison and are 33% weaker to magic.

Most draugr are immune to poison and have a 50% resistance to frost. The Draugr Deathlords and Death Overlords will almost always carry ebony equipment and are most recognizable by their unobtainable versions of the ancient Nord helmets. Higher rank draugr are clearly recognizable by their increasingly more impressive helmets and equipment. Male and female draugr appear at similar rates, but at higher levels, males far outnumber females. Their soft tissues are severely decomposed, and their armor does little to conceal the fact that much of their flesh is rotting away, exposing the underlying skeletal structure. Appearance and Types ĭespite the advanced embalming techniques of the ancient Nords, time has taken its toll on draugr's physical appearance. They often rest in catacombs or sarcophagi to awaken and fight when disturbed or alerted. Some draugr instead guard nobility and treasures buried in barrows and tombs. When these priests died, their followers were killed, reanimated, and then sealed into the tomb where they would periodically awaken in order to worship the priests and transfer energy to them to maintain their undead state. Most draugr were followers of dragon priests in ancient times. Draugr are ancient Nordic warriors who have been reanimated.